пятница, 8 июля 2016 г.

Portrait Shooting

Portrait - image of a certain , specific person or group of people . A necessary requirement , shall apply to every portrait , - transfer of individual human likeness . But the similarity should not be interpreted narrowly . It is not limited to copying external features model . Reproducing the individual shape of the person , the photographer must seek to uncover his inner world , the essence of his character . Through thoughtful psychological analysis , the art of photography means he has to create an image of the depicted person .
For portraits fit all cameras . However, preferably large-format cameras : they allow to obtain images on a larger scale . Such images have much more detail , than portraits , produced small-format devices and especially digital
It is recommended to use , the so-called standard lens , with a focal length of 50 - 80 mm .

It should be possible to shoot with a fast shutter speed . This allows you to capture the most vivid expression . Of course , under the condition , that the photographer was able to create a model for a relaxed atmosphere , the portrait is not waiting for a gate voltage of clicks .
It is necessary to take into account , that portrayed the brightness range can vary very widely . The least he would have blond , dressed in a gorgeous robe , and at brunettes in the same clothes - the greatest . We blonds he will rise , and will go down in brunettes , when they put on dark clothes .
Interval brightness increases with contrasting light and decreases as soft .
Therefore it is recommended to choose a film with the greatest possible latitude for a portrait , ensuring sufficient attention to detail in the highlights ( the person ) and shadows ( costume ).
The backdrop for portraits can be any piece of cloth . Only motley fabric should be avoided , since its drawing will detract from the model's face .
Features a background at a distance from portretirueogo , his image is not in focus . Background color - beige , brown , gray , gray - blue .
Do not remove the portrait from a very close distance to produce an image on a large scale . This will inevitably lead to a distortion of appearance : increase the nose , hands , disproportionately lengthen the legs . The best height of the shooting : head portrait - lens at eye level , waist - to chin level , generation - at breast height , full-length - at waist level .
Lens Focusing must be done on the eyes . When the shoot in a half-turn , setting the sharpness produced by the eye , which is located closer to the machine . In portrait photography should not be much diafragmiat lens .
Recommended lighting scheme :
1. Two lamps are arranged at an angle to portreruemomu . The image gains a third dimension . Enough is plastic molding face .
2. A light is directed to the camera height , other - at a sharp angle to the subject from a height of 2.5 - 3 m . The head is portrayed lit narrow postero - lateral beam of light . The background highlights the fourth source . a rather expressive black and white characterization .
3. Soft , plastic image is , when illuminators are directed at the ceiling and the wall , which carries the white screen . In this case, the portrait is illuminated only by reflected light .
4. lighting one illuminator with a reflective screen - the most simple method of illumination . It gives satisfactory results .
5. Frontal illumination from the camera ( built-in flash ). Art has no merits . Recommended for shooting documents .


Accessories : the screen of white cloth measuring 0,75 X 1,25 m , a piece of cardboard 1 X 1,5 ' m and a piece of white light matter the size of the window . When photographing in a room with one window lighting shadow produce parts screen face , placing it at a distance of 0.4 - 1.5 m from the subject . the closer to the screen is portrayed , the more aligned the illumination face , the softer are the transitions of light and shade .
It is recommended to use the upper - side light , so the bottom of the window should be to cover a piece of cardboard .
On a bright , sunny day , when the direct sunlight from the window intensely illuminates the face , the window should hang a light white cloth . If the room has two windows , angled , one of them is used as the primary light source , and the other - as an additional . In this case, the person portrayed illumination is controlled by moving around the room .

Portrait outdoors

When shooting in bright , sunny day to soften the contrast of lighting and aligning the illuminated side faces are used the screen about the size of 2 × 3 m . If the screen is not , then such recording should be made ​​:
1. In the morning or in the evening , when the light is scattered .
2. The moments , when the sun cover dashing at him sometimes clouds .
3. In the shade of trees , sheds , various buildings , which act as a makeshift screens , softening the contrast lighting .

Group portrait

A survey of players in tiers in several rows . To place people should be free , but without the big gaps between them . Lens Focusing on a number of produce , to defend at 1/3 from the beginning of the group - it will increase the depth of field . Diaphragm the lens should be taking into account the extent of the group in depth , but the excessive iris should be avoided , since prolonged exposure will cause tension in are shot , and some of them may even move .
When a large group is removed , it is good trying to uniformly illuminate , otherwise some face and clothes are not worked . It is necessary to avoid underexposure , since her dark clothing on the negative will lose detail and on the positive turn out dark spots .
When over-exposed face and bright costumes on the negative yuluchayutsya very dense , and in print - white spots with no detail . The negative material should be used highly sensitive .

Stunt portrait

Man in two persons . Pictures are taken one frame twice on a black velvet background . Portrayed can prinimiat various poses .
If a picture is necessary to get on the background of a certain situation , then the lens extended wear sun hood , in which half of the holes sealed with black paper .
After the first shot the portrait is the second desired position , hood rotates 180 ° frame is exposed a second time . If the portrait of a man must look to himself his eyes , then after the first shooting at eye height in space pull the black thread , which makes gmetku chalk . After change places photographed will know , at some point it to look .
In the picture a lot of portraits of one person . If you need to get a single shot , " a number of different portraits of one person , use large mirrors without frames , which are set at an angle to each other . The more acute the angle , the greater the number of reflections ( eg , at an angle of 60 ° is obtained five , and at an angle of 45 ° - the seven reflections of one and the same person ). It was found , that it is better to use an angle of 72 °. It gives vozozhnost get four portraits with different turning face .
Sitters sits facing the seam of mirrors . For the mirrors did not affect the camera , it is put for a black screen with a hole for the lens . In these shootings need a large depth of field , so it is necessary to withdraw , much diafragmiruya lens .
The picture shows the silhouette portrait . To get the full silhouette , portrayed shoot against the window , beyond which no buildings or trees . The exhibition put on the window-light .

Under artificial lighting portrayed a front screen of white material , for which established a strong lamp with reflector . The shutter speed is selected such , that worked only the background , and the image of the face was completely transparent .

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